Thursday, November 30, 2006

a more affectionate form of biological warfare

So, I'm sick. Every day this week I've had symptoms that are slowly assembling (kind of like Voltron) to form a pretty nasty nasty cold. Sunday and Monday, I had a fever. Tuesday and Wednesday brought on a runny nose. Now my nose is so stuffy that my throat is getting scratchy as a result.
Actually, I have a fever but no chills, because it's so amazingly hot outside. Over 60 degrees in November, dudes.
I'm not the only person in the office under the weather. It seems like everyone independently caught something over the Thanksgiving weekend, probably from small children they encountered during the trip. My own youngest niece spent the weekend, her second as a 3-year-old, charging around dishing out hugs and kisses with abandon, leaving trails of contamination in her wake.
The redhead once said that instead of bombs we should send battalions of toddlers to our enemies. Picture it -- swarms of pre-kindergarteners, armed with sippy cups, demanding glue and chocolate, not necessarily in that order, sneezing on every horizontal surface. That ought to bring down even the most dasterdly foes.

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