Monday, July 30, 2007

In the center of the rainbow

So I'm spending a few days in south Florida at the Asian American Journalists Association's annual convention.

I made it down here despite a delay that afforded me enough time to enjoy a paraffin manicure. FYI: it's kind of like getting a hand sculptures at the state fair, only not as much fun.

But! Perhaps if the flight were on time, I would not have seen from the plane my first "full-circle" rainbow -- the entire circle, rather than just the bows we kept stumbling upon in Hawaii last summer and in February. Gorgeous.

It reminds me of one of those moments that reinforces the fact that yes, I am getting old. During a tour through Scotland while studying abroad in Stockton-on-Tees at Durham University I was struck by the beautiful scenery, then struck by an entirely alarming thought: I must be an adult.

Because if I were still eight years old, I'd say, yeah, this scenery is nice, but Disneyland is nicer.

Okay, off to bed before a rousing day of workshops and big-picture thinking ...

1 comment:

Follow the Frog said...

I think full-circle rainbows and other pretty scenic things are cool too. I know what you mean about how that makes you feel old though.