Some very, very creative costumes out there this year, including:
highlights @ the MICA party
--- Crocodile Hunter Steve Kirwin, complete with death-inducing sting ray;
--- Lynndie England (looked great against the backdrop of one student's piece about the Iraq war)
--- a pair of blood thirsty, frightening Republicans;
--- a DickTater (with a potato on his belt);
--- the monster from Lost;
--- Frieda Kahlo;
--- roller girl Natalie Boh and his dog the skunk;
--- Mary Kate Olson and her sister Ashley, represented by a plastic femur bone. or is the other way around?
highlights from the work party
--- the most realistic man in drag I've ever seen;
--- green T (Mike W. was not proud of this, but I can't figure out why not)
--- some black-eyed Ps;
--- one woman representing herself from the 80s ... kinda turned out to be a Madonna aesthetic;
--- the Incredible Hulk;
--- a bear and hunter, armed with laser-sight suction dart and shotgun;
--- Jimmie Walker (dyn-o-mite!)
but I have to say, when we went encountered lots of college students at Towson Diner afterward, the overall theme there was very slutty for the women ...
I'll post pictures of me and the redhead as soon as I can get someone to download them ... I was very proud of how my costume turned out, and Kelly's was pretty funny too.